Statement of Attendance.SMIC Attendance / Transcript (TLIF2010) (82127)

Competency requirements
When a Nationally recognised statement of attainment or transcript is uploaded:
  • Grouped competency selection should be the national statement of attainment unit of competency rather than the SMIC specific competency: Please CLICK HERE to be redirected to the national RIW statement of attainment business rule
  • If the unit code letter version e.g., (A, B, C, D, E etc.) differs. Superseded units are acceptable for the competency. Please refer to to confirm that superseded units are equivalent to the unit specified in the competency name. 

    As per the Rail Industry Worker national business rules for a Statement of Attainment.

    When a Tafe issued participant results record is uploaded:
  • Name on sheet to match the name in the system (shortened versions accepted e.g.. 'Chris' accepted for Christopher)
  • Specific unit of competency must be shown on the sheet that aligns to this competency code and title
  • Course information in the first section of the form completed in full (minimum of one trainer/assessor name to be stated)
  • Worker details in second section of the form - USI number, Employer, Signature and if they have been deemed Competent (anyone deemed Not Yet Competent should not be approved)
  • Last section of form to have trainer name and signature at the bottom of the page
Upload requirements
When a Nationally recognised statement of attainment or transcript is uploaded:
  • Refer to national business rule for statement of attainments and transcripts for issue and expiry date information

When a Tafe issued participant results record is uploaded:

  • Expiry date = Is NOT required
Accepted evidence
Not accepted evidence
  • No example provided.

Business Rule Link

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