Certificate of Currency.MTM - Handsignaller (46507)

From 1 January 2023, this competency must be awarded to the Rail Industry Worker profile using one of the following methods :

  • Directly awarded by the RTO who delivered the training, or
  • Added by a company if the certificate has back-to-source verification, such as a QR code. Please check the accepted evidence below for an example.

If the competency does not meet these requirements, you can refer to how Network-based competencies are managed in the RIW System for more information.

Competency requirements

  • Applicant's name must be shown on the document
  • Applicant's name on the document to match applicants name in RIW (However, shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
  • Must be issued by Metro Academy
  • Acceptable certificates for this competency are as follows:
    • Statement of Attainment - TLIF2082 Perform Handsignaller Duties. (see Note 1)  
    • Certificate of Completion - Handsignaller Renewal. 
    • Certificate of Completion - Handsignaller MTM Upgrade. (see Note 2)
    • Certificate of Completion - Handsignaller MTM Conversion.

Note 1: Statement of Attainment MUST be accompanied by a Certificate of Completion for Handsignaller.
Note 2: MTM Upgrade certificates issued from 22/01/2021 onwards are accepted 

For auditing certificates completed between June 2023 - December 2023 and uploaded by Metro Trains Melbourne please follow the given link. 

Upload requirements

  • Award Date = Date of completion
  • Expiry Date = 2-year from Date of Completion.
Accepted evidence

Not accepted evidence
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Certificate of Currency.MTM - Level 5 On-Track Maintenance Machine Competent Person Renewal (41358)

Competency Requirements

  • Applicant's name to be displayed on the document.
  • Applicants name on the document must match the cardholder's registered name (however shortened versions such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' will be accepted).
  • Certificate must be issued by Metro Academy.
  • The certificate must show completion of: Level 5 On-Track Maintenance Machine Competent Person Renewal

Upload Requirements

  • Award Date = Date of Completion.
  • Expiry Date = 2 years from the Date of Completion.
Accepted Evidence

Not Accepted Evidence
  • No example provided.
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Certificate of Currency.MTM - Lookout (46506)

From 1 January 2023, this competency must be awarded to the Rail Industry Worker profile using one of the following methods :

  • Directly awarded by the RTO who delivered the training, or
  • Added by a company if the certificate has back-to-source verification, such as a QR code. Please check the accepted evidence below for an example.

If the competency does not meet these requirements, you can refer to how Network-based competencies are managed in the RIW System for more information.

Competency requirements

  • Applicants name to be displayed on the document.
  • Applicants name on document must match the cardholders registered name (however shortened versions such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' will be accepted).
  • Must be issued by Metro Academy.
  • Acceptable certificates for this competency are as follows: 
    • Statement of Attainment: TLIF2081 or TLIF0027 Perform Lookout Duties. (See Note 1)
    • Certificate of Completion: Lookout Renewal. 
    • Certificate of Completion: Lookout MTM Upgrade. (See Note 2)
    • Certificate of Completion: Lookout MTM Conversion.

Note 1: Statement of Attainment MUST be accompanied by a Certificate of Completion for Lookout.

Note 2: MTM Upgrade certificates issued from 22/01/2021 onwards are accepted.


For auditing certificates completed between June 2023 – March 2024 and uploaded by Metro Trains Melbourne please follow the given link

Upload requirements

  • Award Date = Date of Completion.
  • Expiry Date = 2 years from the Date of Completion.
Accepted evidence

Not accepted examples

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Certificate of Currency.MTM - Track Force Protection Coord - Level 1 - VIC (35475)

From 1 January 2023, this competency must be awarded to the Rail Industry Worker profile using one of the following methods :

  • Directly awarded by the RTO who delivered the training, or
  • Added by a company if the certificate has back-to-source verification, such as a QR code. Please check the accepted evidence below for an example.

If the competency does not meet these requirements, you can refer to how Network-based competencies are managed in the RIW System for more information.

Competency requirements

  • Applicant's name must be shown on the document
  • Applicants name on the document to match the applicant's name in RIW (However, shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
  • Must be issued by Metro Academy.
  • Acceptable certificates for this competency are as follows: 
  • Statement of Attainment listing completion of the following units: (See Note 1)  
    • TLIF0023 or TLIF3083 - Conduct track protection assessment.
    • TLIW0007 or TLIW2001 - Operate under track protection rules.
  • Certificate of Completion: Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.1 Renewal. 
  • Certificate of Completion: Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.1 MTM Upgrade. (See Note 2)
  • Certificate of Completion: Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.1 MTM Conversion.

Note 1: Statement of Attainment MUST be accompanied by a Certificate of Completion for TFPC 3.1. 

Note 2: MTM Upgrade certificates issued from 10/11/2020 onwards are accepted.

For auditing certificates completed between June 2023 – March 2024 and uploaded by Metro Trains Melbourne please follow the given link.

Upload requirements

  • Award Date = Date of completion.
  • Expiry Date = 2 years from the Date of Completion.
Accepted evidence
See attachments.
Not accepted examples 


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Certificate of Currency.MTM - Track Force Protection Coord - Level 2 - VIC (35476)

From 1 January 2023, this competency must be awarded to the Rail Industry Worker profile using one of the following methods :

  • Directly awarded by the RTO who delivered the training, or
  • Added by a company if the certificate has back-to-source verification, such as a QR code. Please check the accepted evidence below for an example.

If the competency does not meet these requirements, you can refer to how Network-based competencies are managed in the RIW System for more information.

Competency requirements

  • Applicant's name must be shown on the document
  • Applicant's name on the document to match applicants name in RIW (However, shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
  • Must be issued by Metro Academy.
  • Acceptable certificates for this competency are as follows: 
  • Statement of Attainment listing completion of the following units: (See Note 1)  
    • TLIC0025 or TLIC2081 Pilot rail traffic within work on track authority limits.
    • TLIL0010 or TLIL3065 Implement a track occupancy authority.
    • TLIL3083 Implement a track work authority and manage rail traffic through worksites.
    • TLIL3084 Implement a local possession authority. 
    • TLIW2037 Clip and secure points.
  • Certificate of Completion: Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.2 Renewal. 
  • Certificate of Completion: Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.2 MTM Upgrade. (See Note 2)
  • Certificate of Completion: Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.2 MTM Conversion. 

Note 1: Statement of Attainment MUST be accompanied by a Certificate of Completion for TFPC 3.2. 

Note 2: MTM Upgrade certificates issued from 10/11/2020 onwards are accepted.

For auditing certificates completed between June 2023 – March 2024 and uploaded by Metro Trains Melbourne please follow the given link.

Upload requirements

  • Award Date = Date of completion.
  • Expiry Date = 2-years from the Date of Completion.
Accepted evidence
See attachments.
Not accepted evidence


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Certificate of Currency.MTM - Track Force Protection Coord - Level 3 - VIC (35477)

From 1 January 2023, this competency must be awarded to the Rail Industry Worker profile using one of the following methods :

  • Directly awarded by the RTO who delivered the training, or
  • Added by a company if the certificate has back-to-source verification, such as a QR code. Please check the accepted evidence below for an example.

If the competency does not meet these requirements, you can refer to how Network-based competencies are managed in the RIW System for more information.

Competency requirements

  • Applicant's name must be shown on the document
  • Applicant's name on the document to match applicants name in RIW (However, shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
  • Must be issued by Metro Academy.
  • Acceptable certificates for this competency are as follows: 
  • Statement of Attainment: TLIL4069 Plan and coordinate protection for multiple worksites within limits of a work on track authority. (See Note 1)  
  • Certificate of Completion: Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.3 Renewal. (See Note 2)
  • Certificate of Completion: Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.3 MTM Upgrade. (See Note 3)
  • Certificate of Completion: Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.3 MTM Conversion. 
Note 1: Statement of Attainment MUST be accompanied by a Certificate of Completion for TFPC 3.3.
Note 2: TFPC 3.3 Renewal (6-month) is not accepted for this competency.
Note 3: MTM Upgrade certificates issued from 10/11/2020 onwards are accepted.

For auditing certificates completed between June 2023 – March 2024 and uploaded by Metro Trains Melbourne please follow the given link.

Upload requirements

  • Award Date = Date of completion.
  • Expiry Date = 2-years from the Date of Completion.
Accepted evidence
Not accepted evidence


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Course.MTM - Competent Employee OR Safety.Certificate of Currency.Competent Employee (69507 or 41358)

Competency requirements

  • Must upload all 3 pages
  • Name of Accreditation Officer must be one of the following with signature:
    • Scott Pearson
    • Martin Simmons
  • All fields must be completed
  • Copy of questions 1-53 must be ticked as "PASSED"
  • Must be uploaded by Metro Academy.

Upload requirements

  • Issue date = date of accreditation
  • Expiry date = 3 years from the issue date
Accepted evidence

Not accepted examples
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MTM - TFPC 3.3 Renewal (6 months) (94007)

Competency Requirements

  • Applicant's name must be shown on the document
  • Applicants name on document to match applicants name in RIW (However, shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
  • TFPC 3.3 Renewal (6-months) Certificate of Completion is required to be uploaded
  • Must be issued by Metro Academy
  • NOTE: This evidence is directly uploaded by Metro Academy, who conducted the training under the TFPC 3.3 Renewal (6-months) competency.

Upload Requirements

  • Award Date - Issue Date
  • Expiry Date - 6 months from Award date
Accepted Evidence

Not Accepted Evidence
  • No example provided.
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MTM.New Ways of Working TFPC Gap Training (47910)

Competency requirements

  • Applicants name must be shown on the document
  • Applicants name on the document to match applicants names in RIW (However, shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
  • Certificate of Completion issued by Metro Academy only  
  • Must state NWoW TFPC Gap Training

Upload requirements

  • Award Date – Date of Completion
  • No expiry
Accepted evidence

Not accepted evidence
  • No example provided.
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Unrestricted Track Force Protection Co-ordinator (TFPC) (91001)

From 1 January 2023, this competency must be awarded to the Rail Industry Worker profile using one of the following methods :

  • Directly awarded by the RTO who delivered the training, or
  • Added by a company if the certificate has back-to-source verification, such as a QR code. Please check the accepted evidence below for an example.

If the competency does not meet these requirements, you can refer to how Network-based competencies are managed in the RIW System for more information.

Competency requirements

  • Applicants name to be displayed on the document.
  • Applicants name on document must match the cardholders registered name (however shortened versions such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' will be accepted).
  • Certificate must be issued by Metro Academy.
  • Certificate must show completion of one of the following:
    • Certificate of Completion: Unrestricted TFPC – Inner Suburban.
    • Certificate of Completion: Unrestricted TFPC Inner Suburban Renewal.

Upload requirements

  • Award Date = Date of Completion.
  • Expiry Date = 2 years from the Date of Completion.
Accepted evidence
Not accepted evidence
  • No example provided.

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