Certificate of Currency.MTM - TLIF0020 Safely access the rail corridor (44791)

From 1 January 2023, this competency must be awarded to the Rail Industry Worker profile using one of the following methods :

  • Directly awarded by the RTO who delivered the training, or
  • Added by a company if the certificate has back-to-source verification, such as a QR code. Please check the accepted evidence below for an example.

If the competency does not meet these requirements, you can refer to how Network-based competencies are managed in the RIW System for more information.

Competency requirements

  • Applicants name to be displayed on the document.
  • Applicants name on document must match the cardholders registered name (however shortened versions such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' will be accepted).
  • Certificate/Statement must be issued by an MTM approved training provider:
  • Metro Academy.

  • Training Ahead Australia (TAA). (Certificates issued from 09/08/2021)

  • Australian Testing Services (ATS). (Certificates issued from 23/08/2021)

  • John Holland/Accell.

  • Statement must show completion of the following:

  • Statement of Attainment: TLIF0020 Safely Access the Rail Corridor. 

  • Statement of Attainment MUST be accompanied by one of the following:
    • Certificate of Achievement: MSEI001 Metro Safety & Environmental Induction & Victorian Level 1 Train Track Safety Awareness. (TAA & ATS only)
    • Certificate of Completion: MTM Safety and Environmental Induction. (John Holland only)
    • Statement of Attainments are accepted as standalone. (Metro Academy only)
  • Note: Metro Academy issued Record of Results are accepted in lieu of a Statement of Attainment and must include a 'C' grade for TLIF0020, RTO number 40535, and a QR code.

Upload requirements

  • Issue date = award date
  • Expiry date 2 years
Accepted evidence

Not accepted evidence
  • No example provided.
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Certificate of Currency.MTM - TLIF2080 Safely access the rail corridor (44790)

From 1 January 2023, this competency must be awarded to the Rail Industry Worker profile using one of the following methods :

  • Directly awarded by the RTO who delivered the training, or
  • Added by a company if the certificate has back-to-source verification, such as a QR code. Please check the accepted evidence below for an example.

If the competency does not meet these requirements, you can refer to how Network-based competencies are managed in the RIW System for more information.

Competency requirements

  • Applicant's name must be shown on the document
  • Applicant's name on the document to match applicants name in RIW (However, shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
  • Statement of attainment can be uploaded indicating TLIF2080 Safely Access the Rail Corridor
  • For certificates issued from 26/07/2021, training must have been conducted with one of the following approved training providers: MA-BUL-2021-01 Metro Approved Training Providers.

  • Centre for Excellence in Rail Training (CERT)certificates are no longer accepted under this competency as of 24/07/2021. Only certificates with a completion date before 24/07/2021 are to be accepted.
      • Statement of attainment must be accompanied by a Certificate of Achievement issued by CERT Training
      • Statement of Attainment should be uploaded indicating TLIF2080 Safely Access the Rail Corridor
      • Certificate of achievement must state indicate VICL10TTSA Victorian Level 1 Train Track Safety Awareness and VICMETSAEI Metro Safety & Environmental Induction
  •  John Holland/Accell evidence, issued from November 2019 onwards:
    • Statement of attainment must be accompanied by a certificate of completion issued by JH
    • Statement of attainment must have the following statement:
      • “This Statement of Attainment is issued on the basis that training was conducted by John Holland, using MTM-approved resources.”
    • Certificate of completion must have MTM Safety and Environment Induction and have the John Holland logo
    • Certificate of Completion issued by John Holland can be loaded independently as long as the statement “already holds the unit of competency SOA will not be reissued”, is present on the certificate.

  • Record of Results is accepted for this competency – Only issued by Metro Academy
    • Must state unit TLIF2080 Safely access the rail corridor
    • Result Record must state “C”
    • Must have QR code on certificate
    • Must have RTO number 40535

NOTE: From 24/07/2021 certificates issued by the Centre for Excellence in Rail Training (CERT) are no longer accepted.

NOTE: A certificate showing Track Safety Awareness is not acceptable by itself. If this document is going to be used It would still need to be accompanied by the required Statement of Attainment.

Upload requirements

  • Award Date = Date of completion (rather than the certificate issue date)
  • Expiry date = 2 years from the date of completion
  • Award dates and certificates must match for this competency to be verified.
Accepted evidence
Not accepted examples
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Course.Metro Contractor Safety Recertification (MCSR) (47009)

From 1 January 2023, this competency must be awarded to the Rail Industry Worker profile using one of the following methods :

  • Directly awarded by the RTO who delivered the training, or
  • Added by a company if the certificate has back-to-source verification, such as a QR code. Please check the accepted evidence below for an example.

If the competency does not meet these requirements, you can refer to how Network-based competencies are managed in the RIW System for more information.

Competency requirements

  • Applicants name to be displayed on the document.
  • Applicants name on document must match the cardholders registered name (however shortened versions such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' will be accepted).

  • Certificate must be issued by one of the following MTM approved training providers:
    • Metro Academy.
    • John Holland.

  • Certificate must show completion of one of the following:
    • Certificate of Completion: Metro Contractor Safety Recertification (MCSR) Online. (Metro Academy only)
    • Certificate of Completion: TTSA Face to Face Renewal. (Metro Academy only)
    • Certificate of Completion: Track Safety Awareness indicating completion of TLIF0020 Safely Access the Rail Corridor and MTM Safety & Environmental Induction. (John Holland only)

  • Note: MTM MCSR Renewal (6-months) is not accepted for this competency.

Upload requirements

  • Date of completion shown on the certificate must be entered as the issue date within RIW.
  • Expiry date = 2 years from date of completion
Accepted evidence
Not accepted evidence
  • No example provided.
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MTM - MCSR Renewal (6 months) (94008)

Competency Requirements

  • The applicant's name must be shown on the document
  • Applicants name on document to match applicants name in RIW (However, shortened first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' are accepted)
  • MCSR Renewal (6-month) Certificate of Completion is required to be uploaded
  • Must be issued by Metro Academy
  • NOTE: This evidence is directly uploaded by Metro Academy, who conducted the training under the MCSR (6-month) competency.

Upload Requirements

  • Award Date - Issue Date
  • Expiry Date - 6 months from Award date
Accepted Evidence

Not Accepted Evidence
  • No example provided.
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