Safety.QR - Plan & Apply a TA without blocking (81647)

Competency requirements

The QR.Plan & Apply a TA without blocking competency specifically covers Queensland Rails requirements.

The mentoring logbook is a Queensland Rail internal document used to confirm initial competency as a QNRP transition qualified Protection Officer for being able to Plan & Apply a TA (track authority) without blocking.

Upload a completed copy of your Mentoring logbook that has evidence of at least one Mentoring event according to the Protection being applied (in this case, Plan & Apply a TA (track authority) without blocking.

  • The entire row on Page 4 is to be completed in full as per the first (example) row. One row for each event (in line with the competency being submitted) has to be completed.
  • Satisfactory box is required to be checked.
  • The “Protection method” column should specify similar work to the name of the competency and the example as indicated.
  • Page 6 is to show mentor name (under Mentoring record section) and Mentor signature (under Declaration section).
Upload requirements

Upload a completed copy of your Mentoring logbook that has evidence of at least one Mentoring event according to the Protection being applied. In this case, Plan & Apply a TA (track authority) without blocking.

  • Award date of competency is to be set from the date confirmed in the "declaration" section of page-6 of the logbook.
  • No expiry.
Accepted evidence

Not accepted evidence
  • No example provided.
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