Safety.Work Log.QR - QR MMW trainer monitoring (399889)

Competency requirements

  • This competency is only awarded by Queensland Rail RIW system RTO user.
  • Competency is awarded on successful completion of the annual Queensland Rail trainer forum.
  • The Monitoring Checklist is a Queensland Rail internal document used to monitor continuous competency of people with this role.
  • Whilst no expiry is set against the trainer job role, there are ongoing currency maintenance requirements.
  • The approved trainer must deliver this training at least 2 times per year and submit course attendance sheets as evidence to Queensland Rail.
  • Monitoring for the trainer role can be achieved via the new trainer forum process or if a practising Safeworking PO, then through normal monitoring activity.
  • Recertification must be done every 36 months through either the trainer forum process or practical on the job assessment as a practising Safeworking PO.
  • Trainer forums and asociated monitoring outcomes do not contribute in any way to acquiring monitoring as a practising Safeworking PO. Practising Safeworking POs who hold trainer job roles must be monitored as a practising Safeworking PO to operate as a Safeworking PO (separate to the Safeworking PO trainer job role).
  • For the Monitoring Checklist to be accepted, it will need to meet the following:

    - Protection Officer Name

    - Card No. and Valid until date shown for the qualification Manage Rail Traffic

    - Please note that in Section 2 not all boxes need to be ticked

    - Identify monitoring outcome for Manage Multiple Worksites and set expiry date

    - Confirm supervisor name has signed, dated and ticked yes

    - Confirm Protection Officer confirmation has been signed, dated and ticked yes.

Upload requirements

  • Expiry Date = Set to 12 months from the date of award to provide for a 12-month validity period.

Accepted evidence
  • First award for new PO trainer is Queensland Rail's Managing Multiple Worksites CoA:

    3.17_CoA_QR - Manage Multiple Worksites

    Annual monitoring checklist MMW

Not accepted evidence
  • No example provided.
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